Sunday, February 22, 2009


I don't need to explain what the word means. I'm an atheist or more likely an apatheist. I couldn't care less if this magical force "God" exists or not. Some may call the Universe the God, but the God isn't a synonym for anything, it would just be their depiction of the issue. Monotheistic religions are all the same too, bowing down to one God, which leads us to a problem - why do some monotheistic religions stand out so much? Supposedly the God in all monotheistic religions should be the same, so why does christianity (for example) stand out so much? It's all just a big scam that people want to buy, they might feel safe and good about their faith but in the end they are believing in something comparable to Santa Claus or Easter Bunny.

Some support religions for the morale code they bring, morale code that exists without these religions. Killing isn't considered bad because religion said so, same goes for all other "sins" - good and bad exist without fairy tales.

Not all religious people are unpleasant though, mostly just the fundamentalists. It's still wrong that many people don't have any choice and are brought up with religion in mind - forced baptisms. How many people would join a religion if it wasn't done for them? Whole lot less. If they never wanted to be in one in the first place they have to resign from it in their adulthood.

I still belong to church, I even went ahead and took a confirmation, I have a godson too, but through all that time I was a sheeple, unable to think for myself. I will resign from church this year, it's a high time for that. I don't believe in afterlife and I would hate the idea of heaven being real. It's a shame really if you use your only life worshipping "the God" that doesn't exist and only brings imaginary shelter. Why would you blindly believe in afterlife? What if it isn't there whe you die? That's why an atheist lives his only life to the fullest, steering away from religion.

I chose my path, it's time to take some steps on it.

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